Mental Care Today is a marriage and family therapy practice founded by Ger Jamie Cha. The practice focuses on providing compassionate and professional counseling services to individuals, couples, and families. As part of this project, I was tasked with creating a comprehensive brand identity for Mental Care Today.I designed a unique heart-shaped logo that represents the care, compassion, and connection that Mental Care Today aims to provide. The color scheme  was carefully chosen to evoke warmth, comfort, and a sense of tranquility.
In addition to the logo, I also created stationery designs and a business card to maintain consistency across all touchpoints. The stationery designs and business card showcase the logo prominently and reinforce the brand's professional and approachable image.​​​​​​​
To further enhance Mental Care Today's online presence, I developed a website that complements the logo and aligns with the practice's values. The website provides information about the services offered, the team, and ways to get in touch. The design of the website reflects the brand's color scheme and creates a user-friendly and engaging experience for visitors.
Overall, this project aimed to create a strong and cohesive brand identity for Mental Care Today, emphasizing the practice's commitment to compassionate counseling services. The heart-shaped logo, color scheme, stationery designs, business card, and website work together to establish a professional and inviting brand presence in the field of marriage and family therapy. Please feel free to visit the site:

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